School Truancy/Dropout Problems:
“Too many girls get pregnant very young, drop out of school and then face few positive prospects for their lives. Their children are at high risk of being abused or neglected. And the cycle continues – with children having children they can’t financially or emotionally support. It costs the state (think welfare, emergency rooms, special education, prison expenses). Therefore it costs you, the taxpayer.” Dallas Morning News Editorials, December 15, 2002. RHC has been a part of the solution since 2002!
- Truancy Intervention & Dropout Prevention (TRIADOP)
- Anger Management Program (AMP)
- Conflict Resolution Program (CRP)
- Theft & Shoplifting Prevention
- Substance Abuse Assessments CASI-G10© (Call for appointment)
- General Offenders Program (GOP)
Click here to complete registration and pay for class.
Using a format that combines facilitation, coaching, and behavior rehearsal, participants will learn important life skills on:
How to develop or enhance their personal, interpersonal, and social competence;
How to incorporate emotional intelligence in their emotions;
How to apply the skills of alternative dispute resolution (ADR);
How to manage their anger in the most appropriate manner;
How to use emotional competence to get desired results.
Participants will develop a higher level of interest in academic activities;
- 9th and 10th graders (who are more prone to the “dropout syndrome”) will develop confidence and high scholastic attitude;
- Increased graduation rate among the 11th and 12th grader participants;
Increase in the percentage of students promoted to the next grade level;
Enhanced level of student’s self-esteem;
- Become skilled in preventing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use/abuse;
- Improving participant’s skills in interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution and effective communication;
Improving participant’s family and social support systems;
- Enhancing participants’ learning and problem-solving skills.
At the successful completion of this program, students/participants will develop into individuals who are strong in personal, interpersonal, and social competence. Individual participant will also become a more effective